is an online wholesale marketplace where manufacturers and wholesalers (vendors) display their newest products and make them available to wholesale buyers for purchase. Each vendor has a unique website and processes each order independently. All payments and shipments are handled by each vendor unless otherwise noted. does not handle any business transactions between vendors and buyers. We provide the virtual space for each vendor to post their products, offer product photography service to our vendors, and maintain the organization of the site to improve communication between buyer and seller.
Each vendor website (storefront) is grouped or listed by collection type (some stores may show up in multiple collections).
You may browse by store, category, new arrivals, or on sale items, but you will need to have full access to the store in order to place orders.
Since this website is offered to wholesale buyers only, potential customers need to register and create an account in order to become verified by for free access. Unfortunately, not all buyers who register will receive full access to all areas of the site. has full control over who is allowed to obtain full access to the site. Most vendors require us to verify the validity of each registration, thus we need to collect verification documents before granting access to all stores.
To create an account click the Register link on the top of any page. Once you have completed the required fields in Steps 1-4 and clicked on the 'Next' button, the email you specified will receive a notification with your Registration Code. You will need that code in Step 5 to complete your registration.
Once you complete your registration, you will receive an email with the instruction on how to Get Verified.
Here is the list of the required documents to verify your identity as a buyer:
If you are a new business and cannot provide us with the required documents above, you should have access to a few vendors automatically. Please place orders with at least two (2) of the vendors you currently have access to and use the corresponding invoices as proof for verification.
Click here to submit the above documents and complete your verification process.
Note: Phone number verification may be required.
After you submit the above documentation, our representatives will review your information and may contact you for final verification of your account. However, if we are not able to verify your submitted credentials, your account access may be limited or blocked.
The normal verification process may take a few days after completing registration depending on the volume of registrations we receive. You can ensure timely completion of the process by sending us ALL of the above documents after filling out the registration form.
If you have yet to do so, click the Register link at the top of the page to register to become a member of Once you register, the registration fax number and registration email address will be provided for verification purposes.